If you're feeling dismayed about the pause of soft plastic collection, you're not alone. After training ourselves to 'do the right thing' and get into the habit of returning any unavoidable soft plastic to a RedCycle collection spot (let's face it, unless we all start to shop at farmers markets, there are a lot of unavoidable soft plastics on items that many of us need and can get access to), many of us are feeling heavy with the burden of so much soft plastic we didn't even ask for. It feels similar to when lockdown prevented us from using our keep cups, a habit that many of us religiously adopted to try and minimise our daily impact.
Is soft plastic recycling really the answer though? We believe it's better to reduce plastic across the supply chain.
Flowers are being sold all over the world in plastic sleeves, despite single-use plastic bans globally and locally. Plastic sleeves are a problem for florists and consumers who are then made responsible to dispose of these single-use soft plastic items.
We already know how harmful microplastics are for the environment, waterways and wildlife and the importance of reducing waste across the supply chain.
With the pause of Australia's RedCycle service, florists and consumers no longer have a system for recycling single-use plastic sleeves, which are now destined for landfill. It is important that we take immediate action to prevent more single-use plastics from entering the environment.
Let's cut plastic off at the source!
Sign and share our petition to Ban Plastic Flower Sleeves in NSW.